COHERENT STATES // Projection Mapping // Bad Rothenfelde
A video mapping installation on a 120m long and 15m high Gradierwerk. The staging premiered on the 1st of October 2011 during the lichtsicht biennial, covering a total runtime of more than 3 months.
This year’s edition of ‘lichtsicht’ is the 3rd projection biennale in Bad Rothenfelde, representing a forum for international video art. Every second year at the beginning of autumn, the largest salt works in Western Europe is being transformed into a huge projection site for this emerging art form.
The staging has been designed for this exceptional surface, which is layered with salt-covered blackthorn branches. Ferrous and gypsum sediments, as well as limescale of varying thicknesses is covering the stacked up blackthorn twigs, causing reflections shrouded through a fine haze of salt water. These key features of the monumental construction are mainly shaping the appearance, giving the staging its distinct and unique character.
The jury of the lichtsicht – Projection Biennale awarded URBANSCREEN as winner in the category ‘Enhanced Projection’ for this production.
Premiere: 1st of October 2011
Art Direction: iona w.
Concept: Thorsten Bauer
3D Operator: Peter Pflug
Project Manager: Majo Ussat
Produced for: Lichtsicht – Projection Biennial 2011
Produced by: URBANSCREEN
Documentation Direction: iona w.
Camera: Moritz Horn
Editing: iona w.
Music: iona w.

KOMOREBI | Lichtinstallation